Pet-care Price list

Long-term petcare servise placement
If you are interested in finding for you a long term petsitter, who would come and take care of your animal regulary while you are at work (for example), we can discuss with you individual prices and service as per your needs.
Short term PET-SITTING
/per visit
Short visit - 30 min
This package includes:
- feeding your pet
- cleaning her toilet (e.g. cats) or cage (e.g. hamster) if applicable
- spending the rest of the time by playing with and petting the pet.
This package is not really suitable for dogs as it's too short to take the dog out for a proper walk!
400 CZK
Standard visit - 9Omin
This package incudes:
- feeding your pet,
- cleaning her toilet (e.g. cats) or cage (e.g. hamster) if applicable
- spending the rest of the time by playing with and petting the pet OR
- taking your dog for a short walk
600 CZK
Long visit - 3 hours
This package includes:
- feeding your pet,
- cleaning her toilet (e.g. cats) or cage (e.g. hamster) if applicable
- spending the rest of the time by playing with and petting the pet OR
- taking your dog for a long walk
800 CZK
Susie's Booking Fee
(To be added to any booking)
150 CZK